QR Codes

QR codes became a household word in 2020. They were used for “check in” ant possible infection tracking.

Cynetics has used this technology as far back as 2009 for digital access to images for Patients and Referrers.

Our first implementation was placing a QR code on clinical reports that were distributed by Faxed or email.

The URL within the QR code was an encoded link to the images that could be shared amongst medical professionals.

It’s currently used in Cynetics Systems as an alternative to SMS’ing links to patients so they can have a copy of their data. Unlike other remote access systems the content made available can be altered after the link is sent if there is an error.

Simply tick / untick images and “save tags” to change the content available from the URL.

Multi Factor Authentication

Cynetics implements Multi-factor Authentication to it’s RIS products.

Patient confidentiality and data security is a concern for systems accessible on the internet.

The implementation of MFA is a response to protect data on web based systems.

The Cynetics implementation can be set on WAN, LAN, or both interfaces.

PRODA Upgrades

In anticipation of Medicare turning off their PKI certificate infrastructure. Cynetics is updating customers to PRODA Webservices.

To Support PRODA Webservices, a complete system update is required due to the Security library dependencies for Webservices.

This is a significant update that will require planning and data migration.

Medicare Interface Approval

We are pleased to announce that Australian Medicare has approved Cynetic’s PRODA Webservices interface for Patient verification, BulkBilling and Patient Claiming.

After 18 months of development, 3 weeks of integration testing was completed with Medicare, and tested in Medical imagingĀ  / specialist scenarios.

The PRODA Webservices interface replaces the original “Enterprise Server Adapter” (ESA) that used Medicares’ PKI certificates.

The new PRODA system no longer requires Medicare to supply CD’s containing security certificates for secure messaging.